This is a page of "almost unimportant facts"Facts that someone thought was important enough to write down.So I decided they were important enough to make a page from them. Maybe there will be some facts here that you didn't know already.Have fun reading these facts and see if you learn something new.
- The first roll of toilet paper was introduced in 1871.
- Florence Nightingale carried a pet owl in her pocket.
- Bats are the only mammals that fly.
- The first color tv show was"The Cisco Kid".
- A stack of 1 dollar bills one mile high would
be worth more than 14 million dollars.
- The first Harley Davidson motorcycle was built
by William Harley and the three Davidson brothers in 1903.
- The Capitol Building in Washington,DC has 365 steps
representing every day of the year.
- A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet
long in one night.
- According to law,stores can't sell a toothbrush
on the Sabbath in Providence,RI but they are allowed to sell toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Georgia is the world's top pecan producer
with more than 105 million pounds in 1997.
- Frank and Jesse James committed the first daytime
bank robbery on Feb.14,1866.
- The first US Marines wore high leather collars to protect
their necks from sabers,hence the name leathernecks.
- When a piece of glass cracks,the crack travels faster
than 3,ooo miles per hour.
- The satin shorts worn by Sylvester Stallone in the
original "Rocky" movie fethced $ 16,896 at an auction in NYC.
- Australia is the world's smallest continent,its also the
the largest island in the world.
- The linen bandages that were used to wrap Egyptian
mummies averaged 1,000 yards in length.
- The Pony Express lasted only about 18 monthsfrom
1860 to 1861.
- Americans send an estimated 900 million Valentine's Day
cards each year.
- The celebration of Valentine's Day started in the time
of the Roman Empire.
- A quarter has 119 grooves on it's circumference.
A dime has one less.
- A car with a manual transmission gets 2 miles
more per gallon than a car with an automatic transmission.
- A balloon released into the jet stream would take
2 weeks to travel completely around the globe.
- New freckles generally stop appearing after age 19 or 20.
- A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel.
- There are 3 completely different versions of the Mona Lisa
under the final portrait.All painted by da Vinci.
- The king of hearts is the only king in a
deck of card without a moustache.
- In 1845,Boston had an ordinance banning bathing without
a doctor's prescription.
- The Bactrian camel is the only land mammal that can
survive on salt water.
- "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain,was the first
novel ever to be written on a typewriter.
- During the time of Peter the Great,any Russian man
who wore a beard was required to pay a special tax.
- Howdy Doody had 72 freckles.Howdy's brother was
Double Doody and his sister was Heidi.
- The biggest Hershey's Kiss ever made weighted 400 pounds.
It was made to introduce the people of Hong Kong to Hershey's candy.
- The only survivor of Custer's Last Stand was his horse
- A bolt of lightning can strike Earth with a force as
great as 100 million volts.
- The great Red Spot on Jupiter is a swirling
hurricane of gases,with winds reaching over 21,000 miles per hour.
- The White House had a telephone before it had a bathroom.
- The oak tree can take as long as 30 years to
produce its first crop of acorns.
- A diamond will not dissolve in acid.The only thing
that can destroy it is intense heat.
- 33% of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs
on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine.
- The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
uses every letter in the alphabet.
- You're born with 300 bones,but when you become
an adult,you only have 206.I wonder where they went?
- Thomas Edison,inventor of the light bulb,was afraid
of the dark.
- In space,astronauts can't cry because there is no gravity,
so the tears can't flow.
- A sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100
miles per hour.
- Scientists say that sex can relieve arthritis pain for
up to six hours.
- During your lifetime,you'll eat about 60,000 pounds
of food the weight of about 6 elephants. Makes you want to start a diet,huh?
- The human brain can hold 500 times the
information in a set of the Encyclopedia
- Humans and elephants are the only animals that can
stand on their heads.Maybe thats so we can move all that food around.You think?
- A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox
can be flatten into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
- Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people
awake in the morning.
Well,that's 50 facts that you may not have needed to know.I hope it didn't bore you to tears.I have more of these "Almost Unimportant Facts". Maybe some day I will get brave enough to make another page..Maybe..Thanks for coming by.